Running & Oral Health

When you search about “running and oral health” the question has been raised by researches whether runners may suffer higher risks of tooth erosion and cavities. But when you go a little bit detail on it you may see that lots of them are sham based on several biased studies. Actually the bias here is these researches have been studied on endurance-athletes, ultra-marathoners, triathletes’ high carbohydrate consumption, including sports drinks, gels, and bars during training, that can lower the mouth’s pH below reference level. more acidic that is harmful for teeth.

The reasons for enamel erosion can vary, runners commonly experience problems due the following:
Drinking sports drinks, consumption of sugary sports beverages can lead to erosive tooth wear. Reduce your risk by drinking water or other types of less acidic beverages.
Mouth-breathing, because they need ample amounts of oxygen to fuel their muscles, runners tend to breathe through the mouth more than most people. Unfortunately, this can become habitual, causing the mouth to dry out and become a more habitable environment for cavity-causing bacteria. You can reduce problems by drinking plenty of water and focusing on breathing through the nose as much as possible.
Damaging existing dental work, Dense protein bars, sticky chews and crunchy foods can damage fillings and crowns. If you’ve had a lot of dental work, use caution when chewing problematic foods.
Using teeth as tools, During a run or race, it’s common for runners to open power bars and snacks using their teeth. Unfortunately, according to the American Dental Association, this is a common cause of tooth fractures. Avoid problems by packaging snacks in easy-to-open zip-lock bags you can pull open with minimal effort.
Grinding teeth, Serious runners commonly clench their jaws and grind their teeth at night or during tough speed sessions. Over time, this can wear down tooth enamel and lead to painful r joint disorder.

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.”
Mark Twain.
These proverb might be valid most of the case, if I do not want to criticize endurance runners who runs 100, 200 miles races or athletes go workout for 200K per week.

But if you take our case, normal runner or exerciser, doing it for a healthy living and aging purposes, we can not even reach those level of training and racing that might harm our health. On the contrary for regular sport-goers, it’s important we take care, and know what we’re doing so that we get the benefits, without harmful side effects. It’s important to keep hydrated, rinse with water when you can and drink lots of water afterwards too. Avoid using energy or sports drinks. The sugar and acidity creates the sort of environment bacteria like, leading to the erosion of tooth enamel, dental decay and periodontal problems. While you run, pay attention to areas of tension in your body, and consciously try to ease them. That includes, keeping a relaxed jaw, and not clamping your teeth with determination. Maintain good daily oral hygiene etc, you may find advices on having healthy oral-hygiene

And what are the benefits of running to teeth after so much words?
The biggest boost is better blood circulation. Improving blood flow, and increasing oxygen absorption helps keep gum tissue healthier. Research supports that people who exercise regularly are less likely to have gum disease, or the dental problems that result from it.

A running habit often leads to additional healthy lifestyle choices too. Teeth definitely benefit from a healthy diet that’s low in sugar.

A study by the Journal of Dentistry concluded that an increase in physical activity most definitely adds to better oral health conditions and a lower risk of periodontal disease.

It showed that “never-smokers” who worked out regularly were 54% less likely to develop gum disease. Former smokers who increased physical activity reduced their risk by 74%.

Obesity also factors into the equation, as found in a paper published by the Journal of Periodontology, showing that people who had lower BMI (body mass index) were more likely to have a lower risk of periodontal disease.

In summary take out of this article, RUNNUNG is the most effective medicine for all.

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